Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Earth's tilt causing seasonal changes

Earth tilt

Moreover the position of the earth’s tilting relative to the sun, gave us seasonal changes of winter, summer, autumn and spring on the earth. The scientific researches proved that the earth completes its one rotation in 365 days and it is skewed at an angle of 23.5° to the perpendicular to its orbital path.

For about one half of the year, in the summers, the northern hemisphere faces the sun. While in the other half, in winters, the earth tilted away from the sun. Without these inclinations of the earth we cannot see the variations in the seasons that we have and the same season remains throughout the year.

These changes in the rotation of the earth can affect the severity of the seasons. If it is more tilted towards the sun then it means hotter summers and colder winters. And less tilt results in moderate summers and moderate winters. The orbit of the earth is basically oval shaped. It means that the earth would take more than a year to cover the distance around the sun.

We usually assume that the earth’s orbit remains fixed and does not change. But in fact, it is not like that: the axis moves, But this movement is so slow that it only covers half-degree in the whole century. The changes in the rotation of the earth known as ‘precession’ lead to climatic changes around the globe.

Ocean currents causing climatic changes

On the other hand scientists have recognized that the ocean currents circulating around the planet earth provoke huge global climate changes. These ocean currents, or the Ocean Conveyor, give out infinite quantities of heat around earth, and are pivotal in influencing Earth’s climate.

According to Stefan Rahmstorf (5, Jan 2010) the ocean currents occupy approximately 71% of the planet Earth and take up about twice the sun's radiation when compared to the atmosphere and land surface. Another key role of oceans is the allocation and accessibility of water all over earth and is considered as earth’s biggest reservoir of water. The water vapors evaporated from the oceans are transferred to the atmosphere where it cools, condenses, and ultimately precipitates in the form of rain or snow. The ocean circulation or water properties interrupt this hydrological cycle on a universal scale, and result in flooding and long-term droughts in different regions.

Ocean currents have their influence on many areas of the world. North Atlantic is one example that is influenced by these ocean currents. Some areas of coastal Norway have -2°C in January and 14°C in July; whereas areas at the same latitude on the Pacific coast of Alaska are extremely colder: -15°C in January and just 10°C in July. The ocean current next to the Norewgian coast protects the Greenland-Norwegian Sea from freezing in winter. The remaining of the Arctic Ocean, although far away from south, stays ice-covered.

Ocean currents often change direction. A large quantity of heat evolves from the oceans and appears in the form of water vapor, mainly the plentiful greenhouse gas on Earth.

volcanic eruptions causing climatic changes

While volcanic activities is one of the basic causes of extreme warming on global scale resulting from release of high volume of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but the contribution to extreme warming by human and their actions is many folds.

Volcanic eruptions on this earth generate about 110 million bags of carbon dioxide each year, while creature actions add 10,000 times to that amount. Extra substantive climatic consequence from volcanoes is caused by the production of atmospheric smog. The huge explosion columns during significant volcanic eruption insert dust particles and sulfur-rich gases into the troposphere and stratosphere.

The smoke can surround the globe in weeks of the volcanic motion. The minute dust particles reduce the quantity of sunshine entering the shell of the earth and decrease regular worldwide temperatures (Scientific American report Oct, 5 2005).

Saturday, June 19, 2010